To be clear, this is NOT a blam or mass-voting crew. Quite the opposite, in fact - if you are caught mass voting or treating flashes unfairly, you will be subject to discipline - up to and including a dishonorable discharge. The aim of this crew is to make the members aware of potential portal violations, as well as point out flagrant issues (such as child porn, threats to other users, stolen work, etc) to Tom or Wade Fulp, the owners and designers of Newgrounds.
While we do maintain a level of discipline, it is only to educate those who frequent the portal to do the proper things, such as voting fairly, not passing spam for the sake of a crew, blowing the whistle on abusive reviews and flashes. We ask that everyone
vote honestly, and keep an open mind as to what is "art" versus what is "trash". Yes, this is subjective, and in many cases, we can argue the borderline cases for hours. But it's not about that - it's just about doing the right things for the right reasons, and protecting the portal from those who would do it harm.